Central Ontario Health is beginning work with partners in the four LHIN-legacy regions (North Simcoe Muskoka, Central, Central West, Mississauga Halton) to develop a Seniors Strategy for the region. The initial focus will be on Specialized Geriatric Services!
To date, two meetings have occurred. The group has begun to identify area assets, drafted a regional vision and mission, and had discussion around what we feel is working, not working and where there could be opportunities for collaboration.
On June 10, partners from around the Central OH region gathered in Vaughan for the afternoon. Each region did a presentation highlighting structures, services, and successes. The NSM team was represented by a group that spanned the continuum of care. We took a collaborative approach, highlighting our integration work across the region. We focused on where we started ten years ago and where we are today. We described how we moved our regional plan forward, and told the success story of the regional/local collaboration between the NSM SGS program and the South Georgian Bay Ontario Health Team. Thanks to all those from NSM that joined for the day. This was a great day of learning and networking and we are feeling optimistic about how the care of older adults and their care partners will continue to improve across the Central OH region. Thanks to the Central OH team for their leadership and collaboration!
When LHINs amalgamated to form Ontario Health regions, many of these OH regions became supported by several formal SGS infrastructures. In the Central OH region, the NSM SGS program is the only formal SGS infrastructure. Many excellent SGS programs exist in our broader OH region, but most partners are providing leadership off the side of their desks. The NSM SGS program has the opportunity to support our partners in Central OH as we think collaboratively about regional co-design and optimize system resources. We definitely do not have all the answers but have some lessons learned that we can share. We also look forward to learning from the experiences of our colleagues across the Central OH region and hearing about their exciting work and initiatives.